Sunday, July 22, 2007

Things 8 & 9: Practical applications for me

I have already given up cooking, cleaning, talking on the phone, home repairs, caring for offspring, continuing education and religious observance in an effort to catch up on my reading.
RSS feeds are great for selective dissemination of information (raise your hand if you remember that term), but bad for life management.
I look forward to enjoying them in the distant future when I have nothing to do but while away the hours reading. By that time, however the latest technology will have the feeds fed directly into my cerebral cortex through.....magic.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Thing 7, part 2: To Serve Man

Technologies I've embraced:
On Demand
Caller ID
Self-service package weighing at the post office

Technologies I have not embraced:
Electric can openers
Bluetooth on other people

Technology I'd like to embrace but can't afford to:
Tablet PC
CD player in my car

Monday, July 9, 2007

Thing 6: Psychedelic!

I visited Flickr Color Pickr and used a print from Matisse's Jazz to create a groovy kaleidoscope.

Sunday, July 8, 2007

Thing 5: Uncrating the giant baby

Checked out Flickr and immediately stumbled upon a slideshow of photos put up by the Brooklyn Museum showing setup of the recent (phenomenal) Ron Mueck exhibit.

Here's one shot:

Pretty amazing.

Friday, July 6, 2007


Here is a quote that exemplifies the spirit of the 23 Things project:

"We're not too big and we're not too tough but when we work together we've got the right stuff."

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Thing 2

Habit 1, beginning with the end in mind, comes the least naturally to me. I savor the learning process; the final result is not necessarily more important than what I pick up along the way.

I am the most comfortable with habit 7, teach/mentor others. Getting another person to that aha moment of understanding is tremendously rewarding. That is probably one reason I chose to become a professional know it all librarian.

Okay, I admit that last bit was to show off a little HTML I just learned. I'm good with habit 7 1/2, too.

Monday, July 2, 2007